Neighborhood Profiles


A West 3rd Street corridor neighborhood

walk score icon

Walk Score *

36 / 100

bike score icon

Bike Score *

37 / 100

transit score icon

Transit Score *

TB / 100

House size icon

Average House Size

1,265 sq. ft.

Lot size icon

Average Lot Size

6,098 sq. ft.

Home in Lakeview, Dayton OH
Church in Lakeview, Dayton OH
Home in Lakeview, Dayton OH

Lakeview Neighborhood Association

Situated between Rt. 35 and Germantown Street is the small Lakeview neighborhood of southwest Dayton.

Getting its name from the lake on the west side of the neighborhood, its residents have ready access to Lakeside Lake, Dayton Grotto Gardens, and VA grounds. Also in the middle of the neighborhood is McCabe Park, with plenty of playground equipment and space for kids to play.

With extensive views of Dayton from the neighborhood, homes here include Four Square, Federal, Prairie Ranch and apartment buildings.

Quick Stats


Zip Code(s) 45408, 45417

Town homes in Lakeview, Dayton OH
Homes in Lakeview, Dayton OH
Home in Lakeview, Dayton OH

* All scores with asterisk are from Walk Score