Neighborhood Profiles


A Salem Avenue corridor neighborhood

walk score icon

Walk Score *

49 / 100

bike score icon

Bike Score *

45 / 100

transit score icon

Transit Score *

TB / 100

House size icon

Average House Size

1,257 sq. ft.

Lot size icon

Average Lot Size

5,663 sq. ft.

public school in Fairview neighborhood, Dayton OH
plants in Fairview neighborhood, Dayton OH

Fairview Neighborhood Association

Contact: Rick Waselewski

The northwest neighborhood of Fairview is located along Salem Avenue, Hillcrest Avenue, and Catalpa Drive. Downtown Dayton is just minutes away via North Main Street or Salem Avenue. utilizing public transit or a personal vehicle.

The predominant housing style in Fairview is American Foursquare. Most homes are two-story single-family structures with medium lot sizes. Fairview has seen considerable investment in the past ten years, including the construction of Fairview Commons. The Commons is a beautifully landscaped area connecting residents and children with Fairview Park, an aquatic park adjacent to Fairview Elementary on Elsmere Avenue.

Fairview is also within walking distance of the Northwest Branch of Dayton Metro Library on Hillcrest Avenue. Completed in 2016, this community asset provides access to free, high-quality resources.

Large institutions in Fairview make this a unique neighborhood. Omega Baptist Church is currently working on transformative projects in northwest Dayton. In addition, the Phoenix Next project continues to develop the intersection of Salem Avenue and Philadelphia Drive. A collaborative initiative with Premier Health and the City of Dayton, Phoenix Next has slated a new health center and mixed-use development for construction over the next several years.

Quick Stats


Zip Code(s) 45406

* All scores with asterisk are from Walk Score