Neighborhood Profiles

Grafton Hill

A Salem Avenue corridor neighborhood

walk score icon

Walk Score *

62 / 100

bike score icon

Bike Score *

78 / 100

transit score icon

Transit Score *

TB / 100

House size icon

Average House Size

1,616 sq. ft.

Lot size icon

Average Lot Size

5,227 sq. ft.

art museum, Dayton OH
house in Grafton Hill, Dayton OH
house in Grafton Hill, Dayton OH

Grafton Hill Association
Contact: John Edinger

Just northwest of Downtown Dayton and above the Great Miami River, the Grafton Hill neighborhood continues to maintain its historic charm and an active neighborhood association.

The Dayton Art Institute, Dayton Masonic Center, and Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church are all nestled within the boundaries of Grafton Hill.

The neighborhood hosts some of the best events in Dayton including Greekfest, Festival on the Hill, the Art Institute’s Oktoberfest, and the Stoddard Avenue Pumpkin Glow.

Due to the central location of the neighborhood, residents can easily walk and or bike to the RiverScape MetroPark and downtown. This neighborhood also has a beautiful variety of home styles, including Queen Anne, Neoclassical, Tudor, Craftsman, and more.

Quick Stats

Grafton Hill

Zip Code(s) 45405, 45406

Historic District(s) Grafton Hill Historic District

house in Grafton Hill, Dayton OH
Masonic Temple, Dayton OH
apartment building in Grafton Hill, Dayton OH

* All scores with asterisk are from Walk Score