Neighborhood Profiles

Miami Chapel

A Germantown Pike corridor neighborhood.

walk score icon

Walk Score *

50 / 100

bike score icon

Bike Score *

49 / 100

transit score icon

Transit Score *

TB / 100

House size icon

Average House Size

1,163 sq. ft.

Lot size icon

Average Lot Size

4,792 sq. ft.

Portrait of man, Miami Chapel neighborhood, Dayton OH
Man looking at camera, Miami Chapel neighborhood, Dayton OH
Suburban-style home in Miami Chapel, Dayton OH

Contact the City of Dayton for more neighborhood information, or for help starting a neighborhood association.

Located just west of I-75, the neighborhood of Miami Chapel offers its residents a suburban feel while still being located nearby Downtown Dayton.

Having a mix of single-family homes and multi-family units, the neighborhood boasts diversity in housing. The Miami-Chapel Choice Plan, which was created in 2018, has been a catalyst for transformation in the neighborhood as Miami-Chapel seeks to create new housing, improve infrastructure, and strengthen its social supports through the help of the local assets and institutional stakeholders.

Residents of the neighborhood are active in improving the quality of life in Miami-Chapel and share a sense of pride and connection to the long history of the community and connections to local institutions such as the Boys and Girls Club of Dayton which has been a cornerstone of the community for 60 years.

Quick Stats

Miami Chapel

Zip Code(s) 45402, 45408

Housing Units/Acre 3

Known For Multi-family communities

Fazl-i-Umar Dayton Mosque, Dayton OH
Playground in Miami Chapel, Dayton OH
DeSoto Bass Courts apartments, Dayton OH

* All scores with asterisk are from Walk Score