Walk Score *
3 / 100
Bike Score *
29 / 100
Transit Score *
TB / 100
Average House Size
1,781 sq. ft.
Average Lot Size
8,712 sq. ft.

Contact the City of Dayton for more neighborhood information, or for help starting a neighborhood association.
Pheasant Hill is suburban-style neigborhood located in Dayton’s northeastern corner, adjacent to the city of Huber Heights and Greene County’s semi-rural Bath Township.
Pheasant Hill was developed post-1980 and consists mainly of single-family homes with three or more bedrooms and two or more baths, with scattered condos in townhouse or patio styles.
The community is popular with employees of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. While the neighborhood is strictly residential, there is shopping nearby in Dayton’s Cloud Park area and throughout Huber Heights.
Quick Stats
Pheasant Hill
Zip Code(s) 45424
* All scores with asterisk are from Walk Score