Neighborhood Profiles

Twin Towers

A Linden Avenue corridor neighborhood

walk score icon

Walk Score *

62 / 100

bike score icon

Bike Score *

52 / 100

transit score icon

Transit Score *

TB / 100

House size icon

Average House Size

1,214 sq. ft.

Lot size icon

Average Lot Size

4,356 sq. ft.

neighborhood street in Twin Towers neighborhood
building with mural in Twin Towers neighborhood

Twin Towers Neighborhood Association
Contact: Leslie Sheward

Twin Towers is bounded by Wayne Avenue, Wyoming Street, Steve Whalen Boulevard, and the US-35 expressway. Named after St. Mary and its towers, it has shops, restaurants, and bars, especially along Xenia Avenue.

Homes vary in design from bungalow to Foursquare. Located in the center of the neighborhood is Steele Park, a small park with a few swings and playground for the youth to enjoy.

Twin Towers residents participate in a clothing give away, Christmas party, and an Easter egg hunt and garden, with community-based partners, including East End Community Services, Ruskin Elementary, and Mission of Mary.

Today, the residents of Twin Towers draw on their heritage as a close-knit community by working together to achieve a successful future.

Quick Stats

Twin Towers

Zip Code(s) 45403, 45410

greenhouse in Twin Towers
historic home and statue in Twin Towers neighborhood

* All scores with asterisk are from Walk Score