Neighborhood Profiles

Webster Station

A South Main Street corridor neighborhood

walk score icon

Walk Score *

64 / 100

bike score icon

Bike Score *

80 / 100

transit score icon

Transit Score *

TB / 100

House size icon

Average House Size

1,937 sq. ft.

Lot size icon

Average Lot Size

1,307 sq. ft.

Historic office buildings in Webster Station, Dayton OH
Loft apartments in Webster Station

Webster Station Business Association
Contact: Katie Ward

Webster Station is a downtown neighborhood located on the Mad River riverfront. Webster Station is bounded by the Mad River to the north, Patterson boulevard to the west, and railroad tracks to the east.

Housing in Webster Station includes recently built apartments, townhouses, and rowhouses. Residents of Webster Station have access to many amenities such as Day Air Ballpark, 2nd Street Market, and many restaurants, bars, and breweries.

Recreational amenities located within walking distance include RiverScape MetroPark and Deeds Point MetroPark.

Quick Stats

Webster Station

Zip Code(s) 45402

Apartments and public plaza
Chesterfield Flats on Water Street
2nd Street Market in Webster Station

* All scores with asterisk are from Walk Score